
Simply Ieva

Gift a Book for Christmas

6 Books For Your Christmas List

Books for Christmas
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With Christmas fast approaching, we are all scrambling to figure out what presents we are going to surprise our loved ones with. There are many ideas out there, but books, in my opinion, are a wonderful present on any occasion. They have this quality of lasting and allowing you to grow.  In fact, a good friend of mine must’ve sensed I needed a boost and gave me a book You Are a Writer by Jeff Goins on my birthday. Let me tell you, that was the catapult that made me continue my writing!

But of course, different people prefer different types of books. After some consideration, I think I can recommend a few. These are the books I read recently and I whole heartedly recommend them.

For the world explorer/culture geek

And the Mountains Echoed

If you have read anything by Khaled Hosseini, you will definitely want to see what’s this one all about as well. The story is about a Abdullah and Pari, motherless brother and a sister, who were very close but were separated as children. Their lives and fates echoed through the generations in different countries and show how important moral decisions that we make in life are. Like his previous works – The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns – the book And the Mountains Echoed is a pleasure to read. Khaled Hosseini is an insightful story teller, who takes you on the journey through the characters’ lives, steps back to allow you to come to your own conclusions an then reels you back in. Very culturally perceptive, superbly written. Can you tell I am partial to Khaled Hosseini’s books?:)

Caliph’s House

One word – Morocco. Ever wondered what it’s like to visit Morocco, or, better yet, experience it? In Caliphs’ House, Tahir Shah, the author who exchanged his life in London to a life in an old yet beautiful house in Casablanca, describes his own experiences and observations in a light and fun manner. Did you know what a djinn is? What about the peculiarities of conducting a business Moroccan-style? Rest assured, after you read Caliph’s House, which is full of sights, sounds and tastes of Morocco, you will want to go there and experience it yourself. I know I do!

Gift a Book for Christmas

For the romantic

Me Before You

Regardless of what you heard, this is a truly captivating story. Easy to read and thought-provoking, Me Before You is a story about a simple girl, Louisa Clark, and how her simple and more than ordinary, some people might even say – boring, life is changed once she starts working for Will Traynor, a young and handsome wheelchair-bound man, whose life has come to a halt. You may shed a tear or two while reading but I’ve always found that it’s a cathartic experience to be this engrossed in a story.

After You

This is a sequel to Me Before You. Jo-Jo Moyes is a talented author, who masterfully continues the story and really takes the time to set the stage, explore the emotions of someone who suffered a loss, yet gives us hope that life goes on. Again, After You  is easy to read and very captivating.

For the party animal

Tequila Mockingbird

All right, last Christmas, I had to buy something under $10 for a Yankee Swap and I had no clue what that something could be. Swapping gifts with people at work that you kind of know but kind of don’t is a tricky thing. Then I saw this! What better gift for teachers, and especially language arts teachers!:)  Tequila Mockingbird is a book of literature-inspired cocktails, which gives you the tools, the techniques and the witty literary connection to each and every drink. Just to give you a “taste”, Love in the Time of Kahlua and A Cocktail of Two Cities or Bridget Jones’ Daquiri are sure to be the talk of the party. Heck, I even bought one copy of this book for myself!

Toasts: Over 1500 Best Toasts, Sentiments, Blessings, and Graces

Ever found yourself in a situation when all eyes are on you but you cannot recall even your own name, never mind a witty and meaningful toast? This book will totally allow you to crush it at parties, weddings and family dinners. And, the best part, you won’t ever have to tell anyone that it was not you that came up with the toast:)

Over to you:

What are you recommendations for books this holiday season?

Have you read any of the ones from my list? If so, what is your opinion about them?

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