
Simply Ieva

Sign ups for the current cohort have just ended. But we are looking forward to connecting with you in the next round! Click the button below to be the first to know when the Enlightened EL  Educator is back in session! 

ESL, ESL teacher, ELL, multilingual learners, ESL teaching

The Enlightened EL Educator 5-week program for classroom teachers with multilingual learners

Classroom teachers with multillingual learners need support!

Here is a program that is practical, easy to implement and flexible – to save you time, bring you clarity and help you feel better equipped and confident to serve the multilingual learners that enter your classroom. 

This 5-week virtual professional development program was created with you in mind!

  • 5 self-paced modules to allow for maximum flexibility
  • 5 Live coaching (Q and A) sessions to give you clarity 
  • Private online community so you feel supported
  • Professional development tailored specifically to the needs of a classroom teacher with ELs
  • Certificate of completion
ESL student; ELL; newcomer; ESL teaching; multilingual learner; ESL teacher

Week 1: Understanding ELs/ELLs/Multilingual learners

We will explore the following questions:

Who are EL students? Newcomers/beginners, long-term learners, SLIFE (students with interrupted formal education) and what can we expect when working with them? How can we build our own background knowledge about them and help them build theirs in order to become an integral part of our classrooms?

Week 2: Understanding language proficiency levels

Language proficiency levels are a crucial piece of information that will be indispensable for you when planning your lessons with ELs in mind. We will take a look at the most widely used ELD standards and how they structure proficiency levels as well as how we can incorporate this information into our lessons. For example, what you can expect from a newcomer EL student in your classroom vs. how you can challenge your long-term English learner. 

ESL, ELL, English learner, ESL teaching, ESL newcomer

Week 3: Content and language objectives

This week we will explore a tool that will bring so much more clarity into your lesson planning – content and language objectives. We will take a look at what those objectives are, what is the difference between them, how to formulate them, and how you can weave them into your existing lessons. 

Week 4: EL teaching strategies and ways to differentiate the same lesson for different proficiency levels

This week we are taking a closer look at EL teaching strategies that will help you put everything you’ve learned so far into practice:  building background, the language proficiency levels and creating content and language objectives. We will also explore 4 different ways how you can differentiate the same lesson without spending any additional time on creating separate lessons. 

Week 5: Grading EL students in your classroom

This final week is dedicated to understanding and working through one of the most challenging tasks of a teacher – grading. We will take a look at the three ways you can grade your multilingual students in your classroom, what to look for when assigning a grade and how to do it equitably.

The "Enlightened EL Educator" cohort is for you if:

  • You’re not sure who EL students are and/or how you are supposed to teach and reach them in your subject area classroom
  • You’ve heard of language proficiency levels but don’t know exactly what they mean and how to incorporate this knowledge into your lessons. 
  • EL teaching strategies, content and language objectives, differentiationyou’ve heard it all but are struggling to weave this information seamlessly into YOUR lessons
  • You’re wondering how to grade EL students in your classroom
  • You long for EL specific support for you, the classroom teacher!

Hi, I'm Ieva

 Originally from Lithuania, I have been on both sides of the table – as an English learner and now as the teacher of multilingual students.

I started learning English in 5th grade, and it quickly became one of my favorite subjects. Then, at 15, I won a national English language competition and 6th months of living and studying in the United States, which was a pivotal moment shaping the entire course of my life.

I have since gotten my BA in English and Literature and a Master’s in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, and have been the advocate of EL students and the guide for teachers of all multilingual learners for over 15 years.

Still, every time a new multilingual learner enters the school, I always remembers the feeling she had when she was 16 and and in the U.S.A. – totally overwhelmed but deep down knowing that she can do it, only without a clue how – and the hope that the teachers will be there to help me navigate.

That’s why I am so  passionate about teaching English learners and helping all teachers realize that they, too, can work magic and unlock unlimited potential in their students with the right strategies and tools.



“Ieva is simply amazing! She was so friendly and kind. Before the coaching call I was able to fill out a survey with some questions. Ieva read each question and showed up with detailed answers and suggestions. She listened to every concern I had and gave practical advice. She is extremely insightful and knowledgeable and has many years experience both as an ESL learner and teacher,”  – Stacie V.

I’m so happy I connected with you. I always look forward to our meetings because I feel like we can talk it out and I take a breath of relief and say to myself: “Okay, I’m on the right track. Ieva’s giving me such amazing stuff and my planning time is literally cut in half!” – Leah M.

I have had so much success with my newcomers and intermediate ELLs because of the comprehensive resources you created! Thanks is not enough! – Laura G.

Want your district to pay for this program?

Download this informational PDF one-pager, share with your administrator and ask them if there are funds for PD you can use.

Reach out to me with any questions at hello@simplyieva.com

Frequently asked questions

Below are answers to the most commonly asked questions but if any additional questions come to mind, please email hello@simplyieva.com  

When does the program/cohort begin and end?

The next round of Enlightened EL Educator cohort begins September 2, 2024 and will run through October 7, 2024. 

Is the program virtual or in person?

The program is virtual. You can watch the videos on your own time and the weekly coaching sessions (Q and A) will be hosted on Zoom. The sessions will be recorded as well so if you cannot make it live, you can watch them at a time convenient for you. 

What type of payment do you accept?

We accept all major credit/debit cards. We can also provide an invoice if your organization is paying for it.

I am an elementary teacher, can I join?

Yes! This program is designed for teachers who have ELs in their classroom at any grade level (K-12). 

Do you offer special pricing/discount for groups or districts?

Yes! We offer discounts for 3 or more teachers from the same district who enroll in the Enlightened EL Educator cohort. 

We will send you an invoice to be paid directly by your district or provide a discount code that can be used at checkout. Please email hello@simplyieva.com for more information. 

How much of a commitment is this for me?

This is a 5 week program, and you can watch the recordings of presentations as well as coaching at a time that is convenient for you. Attending a live coaching session is always recommended as it might provide more clarity. 

You will have access to the videos for one full year so you have ample time to go back to revisit. 

Do you offer a refund policy?

We offer a full refund for cancellations made within 30 days of the cohort start date.

Requests for refunds will be processed within 10-15 business days following the approval of the request.