
Simply Ieva

A Look Behind the Scenes of The ESL Teaching Podcast

Episode Summary

Who doesn’t love a good behind the scenes?!! Today’s episode is going to be a tad bit different than the usual teaching tips, ideas, and moments. I don’t know about you, but I love a good behind the scenes moment. In the world where we always see the final product, whether it’s a great lesson plan, an engaging activity, or heck, someone simply looking amazing and put together, it is good to remind ourselves that the road to that result is not always very linear. Have you ever wondered what it takes to create a podcast episode? Well, today, I am taking you behind the microphone. From brainstorming topics to publishing the final product, I’ll walk you through every step of my process. And trust me, there are plenty of mishaps and lessons learned along the way.

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1:1 EL Teacher Clarity Power-Up Session

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