With Mother’s day right around the corner, have you thought about what you will do to treat your mom?
Determined, fast, funny, loud, deeply spiritual, a great cook, hospitable, unselfish, giving, sensitive, musical, artistic, major book worm… These are just a few words that describe my mom. I don’t know any other person who would be such a force of nature with so much love to give.
She lives far away and I get to see her only once a year. On days like Mother’s day especially I wish she was closer and I could treat her to something special – a homemade dish, a certificate to a spa or a ticket to a good performance… Therefore, my Mother’s Day celebration with her is restricted to a chat over Skype during which we plan what we are going to do when we visit each other….
Being a mother myself has allowed me to really appreciate all it takes to raise a decent family, and that most of what is written in parenting books, although valuable, cannot really be put into words. With motherhood, emotions like unexplainable elation and guilt all melded into one along with the endless desire to give someone the world over and over again, enter your life.
I remember when my first son was born, I was so young and yet as I was leaning over him on one of the first sleepless nights this surreal feeling of sudden understanding, deep thankfulness and out-of-this-world love for both my child and my mother washed over me. In a blink of an eye, what my mother had gone through to raise me and my siblings became clearer than day. And to think, my own child was not even two days old! Certain things can be understood and internalized only when you become a parent…
From a mother’s perspective, I feel like Mother’s Day should be every day. But the reality is different so at least we get this one Sunday to hopefully savor some simple joys that on other days are somehow a taboo.
Coffee in bed? A massage? A dish of your choice – in a restaurant or, better yet, made by your family? Heck, yea!
As I was preparing for today’s post, I thought long and hard what it is that would make you and your moms happy. And I know that I can always always count on food! So a Mother’s Day gift – that you, of course, may suggest to your family because sometimes they can’t come up with the ideas right away or even (gasp) forget – is so simple that even the kids can prepare it and so delicious that you might not want to share (and that is your prerogative. After all, it’s Mother’s Day!:)
Toast. Genius ideas packed with nutrition. Square shaped bites of heaven. Ridiculously simple ingredients but when combined, they make your mouth explode with flavor.
Enjoy – ingredients are right on the pics!
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How are you going to treat your mom?
What is your ideal Mother’s Day gift? I would love to hear it! Share in the comments below:)
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