
Simply Ieva

simply ieva

The Year of Growth: The Biggest Takeaway of 2024

Episode Summary As I’m looking back, there was a lot of growth this year. And as we know, it doesn’t happen in a calm and peaceful environment when everyone is content. It happens through storms and sometimes chaos and most of the time through pain, whether big or small. The good thing is, I wouldn’t…

Helping ELs Thrive in Language Arts Classroom

Episode Summary Helping English learners access the curriculum of the Language Arts class, which is geared towards native speakers, is one of the challenges many teachers face. There are many linguistic demands that are not easy even for students for whom English is the mother tongue. And for English learners, those demands add extra layers,…

Beyond Buddies: How Peer Pairing Empowers ELs

Episode Summary Over the past several weeks, I have been sharing with you three simple accommodations every classroom teacher can make to reach ELs, even newcomers. We talked about why using visuals is essential when working with ELs, as well as what types of visuals to include. We dove into simplifying our language for directions,…