
Simply Ieva


3 Tech Tools that Work Wonderfully in the EL Classroom

Technology can be a valuable tool in the classroom. When used with purpose and care tech tools can truly help enhance our lessons. Frequently I find myself finding a new feature in Canva,  or successfully implementing a bell ringer with a Pear Deck and having no time to share my excitement with other teachers. This…

How to Grade EL Students in the Mainstream Classroom

English learners are learning multiple subjects during the day, so in an effort to help classroom teachers understand how they can help EL students in their classrooms, I’m sharing content specific EL tips this month. Today’s episode is sharing thoughts and tips on how to grade English learners. You will hear the difference between grading…

How To Love Teaching Again With Jamie Sears

This month we have been talking about how Spring can be a difficult season for teachers energy wise, and changes that teachers either need or want to implement. Today’s guest, Jamie Sears, will help inspire and reinvigorate your love for teaching. Jamie is a fun loving wife, mom, entrepreneur, and forever teacher at heart. She…