
Simply Ieva

Lithuanian corner

Hello, How Can I Meow You Today?

It was a dreary rainy day. One that makes your kids zonk out in front of TV for hours on end and a simple request to “please turn it down” or “wash your hands” turns them into groaning zombies. It is on a day like this that we all reached the peak of discontent with…

Egle, the Queen of Grass Snakes

It is a dreary Saturday here. But wrapping yourself in a cozy blanket and sipping a nice cup of tea, makes it a perfect day to read. Today I’ll share a  traditional Lithuanian folk story with you. Just like any folk story, it is simple and seemingly straightforward, but the symbolism in it is truly…

Countries very close to each other. Languages are totally different. Read about it on www.simplyieva.com

Lithuanian Language vs. Russian Language

“http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/18245631/?claim=87ae5wxxgte”>Follow Because I work with people from all over the world who are trying to learn English, I often get asked by colleagues and just curious individuals how many languages I speak myself. The question is pretty straight forward, right? But when I say that I speak three languages – Lithuanian, English and Russian –…