
Simply Ieva


5 Things to Do BEFORE Leaving for Summer Break

Episode Summary As the summer is nearing, I want to talk about planning and time management. Not for the students, but about what we, as teachers, should do before we leave on summer break.  You may be tired, and the desire to put things off until next year might be very strong. But over my…

3 Ways to Finish the School Year Meaningfully

Episode Summary May is one of those months that is long and fast at the same time. Somehow everything falls into this month as a teacher and in our personal life as we finish the school year. As the school year is nearing its end, there are a lot of moving parts for us teachers…

3 Tech Tools that Work Wonderfully in the EL Classroom

Technology can be a valuable tool in the classroom. When used with purpose and care tech tools can truly help enhance our lessons. Frequently I find myself finding a new feature in Canva,  or successfully implementing a bell ringer with a Pear Deck and having no time to share my excitement with other teachers. This…

How to Grade EL Students in the Mainstream Classroom

English learners are learning multiple subjects during the day, so in an effort to help classroom teachers understand how they can help EL students in their classrooms, I’m sharing content specific EL tips this month. Today’s episode is sharing thoughts and tips on how to grade English learners. You will hear the difference between grading…