
Simply Ieva


4 Strategies for Teaching Math to ESL Students

This month I am talking about helping English learners in the mainstream classroom.  These students are learning multiple subjects during the day. So in an effort to help classroom teachers understand how they can help English learners, I’m sharing episodes about content area specific EL teaching tips.  Math teachers often express that they teach math…not…

How To Love Teaching Again With Jamie Sears

This month we have been talking about how Spring can be a difficult season for teachers energy wise, and changes that teachers either need or want to implement. Today’s guest, Jamie Sears, will help inspire and reinvigorate your love for teaching. Jamie is a fun loving wife, mom, entrepreneur, and forever teacher at heart. She…

3 Teacher Interview Tips To Help You Get The Job (Part 2)

Sometimes we find ourselves desperate for a teacher contract in a new district, but facing unknown territory as an ESL teacher, you must navigate the stressful interview process and bet on yourself to achieve your goal of finding the perfect job. After many attempts at trying to find a new position for myself, years ago,…

How to Nail Your ESL Teacher Interview Part 1

It seems like every year there are only two speeds within a school year: rushing to get everything covered up to the ACCESS testing, and trying to catch up and make it to the end of the school year. Sometimes it feels like we have no control over what is going on. To change the…