
Simply Ieva

Teaching ELLs

3 Activities For a Mixed-Proficiency EL Class

A lot of teachers work with mixed-proficiency classes where they have newcomers and higher level students all at the same time. This makes for challenging planning, classroom management, and everything in between. With the school year winding down, it gets even trickier. In today’s episode, I wanted to revisit an episode I shared quite a…

3 Activities For a Mixed-Proficiency EL Class Read More »

How to pre-teach vocabulary to ELs in the mainstream classroom

With vocabulary being the main component of learning a language, this episode is all about how to pre-teach vocabulary when you are a regular education teacher.  As we continue talking about English Learners in the mainstream classroom this month, I wanted to bring back a previous episode from last year that is very relevant to

How to pre-teach vocabulary to ELs in the mainstream classroom Read More »

4 Strategies for Teaching Math to ESL Students

This month I am talking about helping English learners in the mainstream classroom.  These students are learning multiple subjects during the day. So in an effort to help classroom teachers understand how they can help English learners, I’m sharing episodes about content area specific EL teaching tips.  Math teachers often express that they teach math…not

4 Strategies for Teaching Math to ESL Students Read More »