
Simply Ieva

Teaching esl

Top 5 Strategies for Reaching English Learners In Any Classroom

Today I stopped by a classroom to talk to a teacher about one of our students. As I entered the room,  she was looking at an upcoming professional development schedule on her computer and shaking her head. “This is all good”, she said. “But I could really use some information on strategies for reaching English learners.…

Top 5 Strategies for Reaching English Learners In Any Classroom Read More »

Language and Identity

“I’m an Italian”, “I’m Irish”, “I’m part Lebanese, part French” – these are all phrases you can hear in just your regular conversation in America. Everyone identifies with a certain culture but when you ask “Do you speak Italian/Irish/Arabic/French?” the answer is quite often “no”. I’ve been thinking about it for quite some time now

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