
Simply Ieva

The Four Roles of an ESL Teacher: What Do They Actually Do?

Episode Summary

For EL teachers and staff, there can sometimes be quite a bit of confusion as to what their actual role is. You’re hired as an EL teacher, what do you do? Questions such as, “what do you actually teach?” Or comments like, “they speak a language other than English at home, and therefore, you should work with them abound.”  So today, we will dive into the four roles of an ESL teacher brings to the school and why those roles are so important, not only for student advancement, but also for the entire district’s success.

With the number of English learners constantly rising and permeating not only large urban areas but also spreading into suburbs and rural towns, there’s a serious need for all involved in the education of those English learners to understand the role of an ESL, ELL teacher in their district. This podcast episode was inspired by observations of both the mainstream teacher and EL teacher perspectives.

What you will hear about in this episode:

  • Clarifying roles, responsibilities, and goals for EL teachers
  • Acknowledging assumptions from both EL and mainstream teachers
  • The Four Major Roles of an EL Teacher
  • Importance and benefits of collaboration between ESL and regular education teachers

Show Notes:

  • Episode 120 – The Four Roles of an ESL Teacher: What Do They Actually Do?

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