Episode Summary
The holiday season can be hectic both at home and at school. Besides you being tired and over it, the students are tired and over it. And it shows. No matter the age group you teach, it can be an added stressor trying to figure out how to teach and manage everything around you. But just like we can restart a computer when it is glitching and somehow that seems to do the trick, we can restart and reset our classroom. And, of course, New Year is a great opportunity to do that because a) we all need it, and b) we all are starting the year with renewed energy. So in this episode, I will share with you 5 ways you can reset, refocus and recharge your classroom after the new year and, honestly, any time of year.

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- Accommodate and Modify Your Lessons for ELs with Less than 1 Hour of Planning a Week – classroom teacher and admin checklist
- ESL Newcomer Teaching Checklist
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- EMBARK™ Newcomer Curriculum
- The ESL Teaching Roadmap – EL curriculum and coaching membership for middle and high school ESL/ELL teachers.
- Essential Lesson Plan Bundle
- Digital Masterclass Library “Light the Way to EL Teaching Success”
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Related episodes and articles:
- Episode 4 – Choice Boards for ESL Students: How to Use them in the Classroom
- Episode 133 – 5 SEL Components to Incorporate in Every ELL Lesson
- ESL goal setting worksheet