Imagine: it’s mid morning and the hunger is slowly creeping up on you. By the time your brain realizes you’re hungry, you have to eat something NOW. And if you hadn’t looked ahead and packed yourself something nutritious, there is a tendency to run to the vending machine or a corner store and grab just anything. Usually, that anything is packed with sugar, which, of course, subsides your craving for food for a bit and makes you happy… But it doesn’t last, unfortunately, and pretty soon you feel as if you hadn’t had anything in your mouth for ages.
I am sure that this food – snack – dilemma is quite popular. I constantly ask myself questions like “What should I bring to work for a quick snack because my lunch is late or too early?” or “Which products would not interfere with my attempts at healthy eating?” or “How can I make my snack both healthy and filling at the same time?” often.
Believe me, I’ve made plenty of mistakes in terms of snacking. But after a while I started evaluating what I eat a bit more critically because deep down I feel like it’s a waste of time and energy to eat something that is not good for you. Let’s be honest, if you really really crave a donut but you feel physically unwell after you’ve eaten it, is it really worth it?
I know, I see some people rolling their eyes and saying (even if only in their heads:) that it takes time to prepare a healthy snack. While everything that is worthwhile takes time, it’s true, planning something healthy to munch on, is really quite simple.
So after looking at my own lunchbox and scouring the internet for ideas, here is a list that I think you’ll enjoy and that will make your workday more productive;)
After all, I’d like to focus on my work rather than eating. And trust me, this teacher is a lot less patient when her belly is empty!
Cottage cheese with tomatoes and smoked salmon
Literally, a half a cup of whole milk curd, a diced tomato and sliced smoked salmon. Mix it all and eat by itself or with crackers of your choice. Delish!
Apple and peanut butter
I love apples in any shape or form. And this quick snack is not only carbs for energy but some protein to boot! You can literally use any apple kind that you like (here I sliced Granny Smith because their tartness goes well with the peanut butter). Speaking of peanut butter, I have naively thought that all peanut butter was created equal, but found that the more natural ones contain less sugar. So be sure to check the ingredients before you buy:)
Toast with salmon, cucumber and scallions
Toast is not only for breakfast, you see. This particular one contains all the nutrients that will sustain your energy because it is made with quality ingredients. Check out my last week’s post where I share 9 toast recipes for more inspiration!
Banana, strawberry and Kefir smoothie
Ah, my favorite Kefir. I already mentioned this drinkable yogurt in my post on homemade waffles. This time I used it to make a simple smoothie with plain Kefir. Mix it with one banana and 4-5 strawberries (I usually do it with my Nutribulet) and voila – a snack/smoothie/drink for that 10:30 a.m. craving in your belly.
Peanut butter chocolate chip oatmeal no bake cookies
Oatmeal, chocolate chip, peanut butter, flax seeds, honey. ‘Nuf said, if you ask me. Nutritious ingredients that sustain the energy and please the sweet tooth. I have made these myself but the pic is not as amazing as Kelley’s from the Chef Savvy website, which is what I’m sharing here. Click here for the full recipe.
Make your own trail mix! Cashews, pecans and dark chocolate (100 percent cacao) bites.
You can totally let your creativity flow on this one. What about almonds, walnuts, dried cranberries and chocolate? Or almonds, cashews, and dried pineapple bits? Whatever your preference – do it! You can, of course, buy some pre-made from the store but there is a risk of unnecessary additives in those trail mixes. The nuts I used here are raw, unsalted and unroasted. I also used 100% cacao chocolate, which is not sweet but has a robust flavor and coffee-like effect. Dark chocolate is preferable but you don’t have to use 100% cacao one, if it’s too much for you.
Fruit – strawberries, blueberries and kiwi
Berries are high in vitamins and antioxidants and kiwi is an amazing source of vitamin C. You can obviously mix any fruit with and berries here, the picture above is just a suggestion. If you are craving sugar, at least the fruit and berries are natural sources of it. In addition, you’d be surprised how well they subside your hunger!
Almond and roasted edamame snack mix
Ready for some bold flavor? This extraordinary mix takes some prep ahead of time but will totally be worth your time. And if you don’t share it with anyone, it can even last you a few days;) For full recipe, click here.
No bake almond oat bars
Her is another no-bake recipe that is packed with healthy ingredients for sustainable energy. 4 ingredient and literally 5-minute project. For full recipe, click here. When you visit Neil’s website, you’ll find even more amazing recipes. He even has a category as weekday snacks, so be sure to check his website out!
Egg, tomato and greek yogurt salad
I love this one! I usually made it with mayonnaise but although good, I was missing some pizzazz in it. So yesterday I decided that since mayo is not exactly a very healthy option (we’re talking about healthy snacks here, remember?:), why not substitute it with greek yogurt. BAM! That was what I’d been missing all along! It gave the tiny bit of tartness that this salad desperately needed and is smooth on your tongue. I usually eat it alone, but you can totally have it with some crackers as well.
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What are your favorite snacks to bring to work? Share in the comments below!
Check out my favorite kitchen tools that I used to prepare the snacks in this post!
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