
Simply Ieva

How to Grade EL Students in the Mainstream Classroom

English learners are learning multiple subjects during the day, so in an effort to help classroom teachers understand how they can help EL students in their classrooms, I’m sharing content specific EL tips this month. Today’s episode is sharing thoughts and tips on how to grade English learners.

You will hear the difference between grading and assessing, what makes teaching English learners equitable, and the differences between equality and fairness.

Grading English learners can be an adjustment. It should be flexible and not a rigid formula. It is also essential your assessments match the learning to help provide more accurate measurement of the student’s learning. 

Some key points are: content must be made accessible before grading English learners , and students can’t be penalized due to the fact they are learning English and not making the same progress as their peers.

What you will hear about in this episode:

  • Accommodations to use with English learners
  • Ways to assess your EL students
  • Ways to grade your EL students

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