
Simply Ieva

How to pre-teach vocabulary to ELs in the mainstream classroom

With vocabulary being the main component of learning a language, this episode is all about how to pre-teach vocabulary when you are a regular education teacher. 

As we continue talking about English Learners in the mainstream classroom this month, I wanted to bring back a previous episode from last year that is very relevant to our topic.

Pre-teaching vocabulary is very important to an English learner student. If the student does not understand the word, they will not be able to understand the content. There are 3 tiers of words we talk about in EL instruction. 

 Tier 1: are the everyday words. Tier 2: frequently used words that show up across content areas. Tier 3: are subject specific words. 

Pre-teaching, particularly tier 2 words, will help your students acquire the necessary language skills that they can carry with them throughout the school day and beyond.  This is important for access to academics and equity. All students are building their vocabulary and ability to communicate their ideas and building confidence in demonstrating their content knowledge.

What you will hear about in this episode:

  • What vocabulary pre-teaching is
  • The reasons why it is so important to pre-teach vocabulary in the mainstream classroom
  • The steps that can be taken to pre-teach vocabulary
  • How pre-teaching vocabulary will benefit all students not just the language learners

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