Procrastination is Good For You

Posted October 28, 2016 by simply ieva in Home, Simply life / 3 Comments

3-habits-oYou have a deadline to respond to an email that requires you to focus, provide a solution and details. What do you do? You go buy yourself a coffee, meander to the lounge area and spend time carefully analyzing the contents of a vending machine. Or maybe you have decided that you are going to start a blog, but instead of actually sitting down and taking steps to get it set up and writing, you go on Pinterest and read all about the success stories of people making inconceivable amounts of money and giving you instructions how to do the same. In the end, you decide you can’t do this at all, or if you can, now is not the right time. Maybe later. Sounds familiar?

Well, coming from a person who could have a PhD in procrastination (if there was one offered:), I hear ya! It always seems that everyone has it together but you. What do they have that you don’t? Well, maybe they’re not that different…  

This week I was very inspired by a Facebook live streaming by one of Lithuania’s great educators, who shared a lot of ideas from a book The Originals by Adam Grant. So me being me, I googled him. And I found a great TED talk that I think will resonate with many of you. Those who are afraid to start, those who started but are discouraged to continue, those who just have a physical urge to procrastinate no matter what they do, and those who do not have the aforementioned problems at all – this video is for you. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! 

[ted id=2474]

But wait! Here are some questions for you:)

Are you a procrastinator or a pre-crastinator? How has being one or the other helped/harmed you?

What are your thoughts about this video? 



3 responses to “Procrastination is Good For You

  1. Syrilynn
    Who would have known my procrastination traits were a benefit. I always heard they were a hindrance. Im a happy camper now!

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