
Hi, my name is Ieva.

I’m glad you stopped by!  I am passionate about languages and different cultures and I work as a teacher of English learners. I was born in Lithuania and lived there for the bigger part of my life really enjoying myself without any plans to move to any other place in the world. Until my now husband stormed into my life and changed everything! I have lived in the U.S. for about 12 years now and I am still discovering it every day:)

Traveling, reading, and cooking are among my favorite things. My culture and language are a part of who I am and therefore I love sharing it with others. We have a busy house with three boys, who are very different in their temperament and switch from energetic to moody to cuddly to composed all on a whim. Talk about tons of good writing material!:)

I have always loved writing, but for the longest time I did not dare start a blog because  I was not sure I could write as well in English as I can in Lithuanian. But seeing that time is ticking and one has to pursue what their heart tells them is right, here I am. Sometimes I like to discuss serious topics, especially if it involves language and culture, but many times I like to enjoy myself and write something fun and light. I hope you like reading my thoughts as much as I love writing them down:)