Author: simply ieva

Christmas Pie

Posted December 25, 2016 by simply ieva in Home, Ieva's kitchen / 8 Comments
Christmas Pie

Are you sugared-out yet?:) There is no avoiding desserts this time of year so I say – why fight it? There will be plenty of time to get back into the “healthy eating” routine once the first of January rolls around. In the meantime, I have one more recipe for your festivities. I came across […]

Peculiarities of Texting Language LOL

Posted December 21, 2016 by simply ieva in Home, Simply life / 0 Comments
Peculiarities of Texting Language LOL

Smartphones and texting have been around for a while now and it’s safe to say they’re here to say. I mean, it was probably safe to say a few years ago:) And as with all new(er) inventions, humans adapt and perfect them to suit their own needs. The phenomenon of texting is no exception. However, […]

Ricotta Filled Rolls

Posted December 18, 2016 by simply ieva in Home, Ieva's kitchen / 0 Comments
Ricotta Filled Rolls

It is snowing outside today. Thank goodness, it is not as cold as it was yesterday, but still – winter is definitely here! We went outside for a little bit, shoveled and tried to build a snowman. Alas, the snow was way too fluffy for that, so back inside to the cozy warmth of the […]

3 Things You Didn’t Know About Lithuanian Christmas (Eve) – Part 2

Posted December 11, 2016 by simply ieva in Home, Ieva's kitchen / 4 Comments
3 Things You Didn’t Know About Lithuanian Christmas (Eve) – Part 2

Here comes the second part of my “trilogy” about Lithuanian Christmas Eve. And yep, it’s about filling your belly!:) As I mentioned in Part 1 of this extended post, Kūčios (Koo-chos), or Christmas Eve, is a very important and honored celebration in the Lithuanian culture. And what’s a celebration without food? Since you already learned […]