Author: simply ieva

Three Signs You Might Be a Teacher

Posted October 6, 2016 by simply ieva in Home, Simply life / 2 Comments
Three Signs You Might Be a Teacher

Classifying the signs that make you fall into a certain professional category is no new concept. And there have been plenty of lists of “You might be a teacher if…” out there. Some of them are really cheesy. But after talking with a few of my fellow teachers, I think I’ve narrowed it down to […]

Egle, the Queen of Grass Snakes

Posted October 1, 2016 by simply ieva in Lithuanian corner / 2 Comments
Egle, the Queen of Grass Snakes

It is a dreary Saturday here. But wrapping yourself in a cozy blanket and sipping a nice cup of tea, makes it a perfect day to read. Today I’ll share a  traditional Lithuanian folk story with you. Just like any folk story, it is simple and seemingly straightforward, but the symbolism in it is truly […]

Lithuanian Language vs. Russian Language

Posted September 27, 2016 by simply ieva in Home, Lithuanian corner / 4 Comments
Lithuanian Language vs. Russian Language

“”>Follow Because I work with people from all over the world who are trying to learn English, I often get asked by colleagues and just curious individuals how many languages I speak myself. The question is pretty straight forward, right? But when I say that I speak three languages – Lithuanian, English and Russian – […]

Is your child bilingual?

Posted September 20, 2016 by simply ieva in Simply life / 2 Comments
Is your child bilingual?

Raising a bilingual child is easy, really. Just speak the language you want the kid to learn and you will be all set. Or will you? I have three children. We live in the United States, but my first language is Lithuanian. All of my children speak some Lithuanian. The oldest one has mastered the […]

A day in Flam, Norway

Posted August 22, 2016 by simply ieva in Travel / 0 Comments
A day in Flam, Norway

I’ve been traveling for more than a month and naively expected to be able to blog my experiences as I go. Somehow I learned that I was either too tired from all the adventures to even begin thinking about writing or had no laptop with me at the times when the inspiration came. But now, […]

The List Maker vs. The Dare Devil

Posted July 8, 2016 by simply ieva in Travel / 0 Comments

In my last blog post I promised to share with you what goes on in the mind of someone who is getting ready for a long trip. Well, seven days later… You guessed it – I was packing and didn’t get a chance to write! And now I am thinking: “Of course, there will be […]


Posted May 28, 2016 by simply ieva in Home / 0 Comments

  I’m very glad you stopped by. I’ve started this blog because my mind is always busy with questions, ideas and discoveries and frankly, I drive myself crazy if I don’t let them out:)