Category: Ieva’s kitchen

What’s For Breakfast? Homemade Waffles!

Posted April 2, 2017 by simply ieva in Home, Ieva's kitchen / 2 Comments
What’s For Breakfast? Homemade Waffles!

Nothing screams weekend more than homemade waffles. The minute you realize that you want waffles for breakfast (or somebody demands them:) the beautiful feeling washes over you. Aaaahhh, knowing that you can wake up on your own time, enjoy your cup of coffee for much longer than 5 minutes and actually take pleasure in making the […]

Honeydew Blackberry Super Salad

Posted March 26, 2017 by simply ieva in Home, Ieva's kitchen / 2 Comments
Honeydew Blackberry Super Salad

There are two things that I want to tell you before I dive into the recipe of this wonderful honeydew blackberry super salad. First, how I came about it, and second, how I thought I would present it. Life goes in cycles and I have noticed that every year around New Years, or sometimes a […]

3 Steps to the Perfect Cabbage Salad

Posted March 19, 2017 by simply ieva in Home, Ieva's kitchen / 0 Comments
3 Steps to the Perfect Cabbage Salad

When you think of certain foods, unexpected associations come to mind. Let’s take cabbage, for example. To me personally, it is a simple hard working man’s food that I somehow find difficult to imagine on a table at a stylish dinner party. However, last week’s beet salad I’d call “fancy”. Don’t ask me why. Beet […]

Cheesy Chicken Thighs

Posted February 19, 2017 by simply ieva in Home, Ieva's kitchen / 2 Comments
Cheesy Chicken Thighs

An interesting thing happens, when you live in a different country for a long time. You tend to embrace the culture you’re in more and more with each year, it kind of becomes part of you. And if you don’t visit your home country often enough, you may become a bit out of touch with […]