Hello, How Can I Meow You Today?

Posted October 13, 2016 by simply ieva in Home, Lithuanian corner, Travel / 0 Comments

It was a dreary rainy day. One that makes your kids zonk out in front of TV for hours on end and a simple request to “please turn it down” or “wash your hands” turns them into groaning zombies. It is on a day like this that we all reached the peak of discontent with each other, where even the coolest, calmest and most collected souls erupted in screaming accusations.

I had planned to surprise the kids by taking them to a mystery place earlier. And we almost didn’t go because on that particular day an idea crept into my mind that I would not, could not survive the embarrassment of such behavior as it was displayed at the house in public. However, after a bit of consideration, I decided that my alternative  to be sulking all day in the same room where all the arguing began was not so appealing, so the special place it was…

…An ordinary building, or rather a corner of a building on one of the busiest streets in Vilnius. Nothing special on the outside and you wonder what you are getting yourself into. But as you enter through the glass doors, you are somehow filled with anticipation. A flight of stairs up to the second floor, open the door and…. Please put plastic slippers over your shoes. Close the door carefully when you enter. Wash your hands frequently. Welcome to the Cat Cafe in Vilnius, Lithuania.


Cat cafes started in Tokyo, Japan, and have spread throughout the world. From the few readings about this type of cafe that I did, it seems the most emphasis in such an establishment is on the animal and socialization between humans and animals. But the unique cafe, which operates in a large studio in Vilnius and which houses 13 cats of different sizes, colors and, best of all, different temperaments, does serve food. The cats roam freely, or lounge in their beds. Sometimes they jump on the table and start flirting with you. And if you buy a small bowl of treats, all the cats will come flocking to you and will each in their unique way demonstrate their awesomeness.

There are rules you have to follow, such as wash your hands after each time you pet the cat, do not pick the cats up, do not pull by the tail (duh..), do not interfere with them while they are eating – the usual stuff. No loud noises are appreciated, and therefore children under 6 are not admitted.



When you think about a cat, no matter how cute and loving an animal it may be, you secretly wonder about the cat hair. I know, I know… But not here. The Cat Cafe is easily one of the cleanest cafes I’ve been to. The cats live in the studio and have their own private area where guests are not allowed. However, they are free to walk about and interact with the visitors. You can tell that the cats are well loved and taken care of. Most importantly, the area where food is prepared and kept is completely isolated from the cats as well.


Once you settle in at your table, you get the menu, which contains actual food, as well as a booklet with a photo of each cat and information about their birthday, temperament and general story. They all look cute and sweet, but after a while you find out that one really likes attention and will do anything for it, the other one is lazy and prefers snoozing all day whereas yet another one steals everyone’s food.



Despite its peculiarity, the cat cafe really provides a wonderful stress relief. Try not to smile, I dare you! The minute we entered through that door, all of the anger and frustration that everyone was feeling dissipated as if no fight ever happened. The brothers started loving each other again, and the mom and grandma became “the best in the world!”. I think the decision to get out of the house was the right one.


Have you visited any place that was different, or peculiar?

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