Melt in Your Mouth Turkey Cutlets With Oranges

Turkey cutlets with oranges

Posted November 13, 2016 by simply ieva in Home, Ieva's kitchen / 2 Comments

In honor of Thanksgiving this month, what’s a Sunday recipe without some gobble gobble.

Turkey cutlets with oranges!

Turkey is one of those meats that is easy to make rubbery and dry and maybe that’s why we usually buy the turkey luncheon meat or ground turkey. But one day long ago I came across a recipe (or maybe a friend shared it with me? I honestly can’t even remember!:) that changed the way I treat this bird. I learned that when you cook turkey on a pan you should use butter. It adds taste and it does not allow the turkey to dry out! It was amazing! The original recipe was a bit fancier and had more ingredients but when I cooked it the first time the topping of the dish didn’t come out the way it was supposed to (I think), so I modified it. And it was a hit.

I may have already mentioned that food is a big deal in my family. And my boys’ reactions to it are always exaggerated, especially if it’s something they like. “What’s for dinner, mom?”, they’d ask. “Turkey cutlets,” I’d answer. “You mean THOSE WITH ORANGES?”, their eyes would become wide. “Yep, the same”, I’d say. And from there a dance and screeching and confessions of love begin.

So here it is. As usual, a simple recipe, easy to make in a half hour or less on a weekday night.


2-3 packages turkey breast cutlets

butter, for sautéing

coriander, to taste

salt, to taste

3-4 oranges

chives, optional

rice, on the side


  1. Take cutlets out of the package (they are a bit flimsy, so if you want to keep the shape, they can be separated in half) and season with salt and coriander.

Turkey cutlets2. Heat some butter in the pan. Add in cutlets (my pan fits 3 or 4 at a time) and cook for about 5-6 minutes on each side.

3. While the turkey is cooking, slice the oranges and set aside.

Oranges on a plate4. Once the turkey is cooked, set it aside on a plate. If necessary, add some more butter in the pan and place the oranges there. They really need to be just heated up.

5. When the oranges are ready top the turkey cutlets with them.

Turkey cutlets with oranges

6. Serve with a side of rice and a glass of Chardonnay or Pinot Grigio.

7. Enjoy:)

Do you have a favorite turkey recipe? 

If you don’t like turkey, what is your go to dish on Thanksgiving?

2 responses to “Melt in Your Mouth Turkey Cutlets With Oranges

  1. Warm N Fuzzie
    I've never thought about pairing oranges with turkey. Yum, I'll have to try this. Thanks for sharing.

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