Stressed out? Try this!

Balance your life, take care of yourself. Tips on

Posted November 16, 2016 by simply ieva in Home, Simply life / 0 Comments


It’s been a long and tumultuous week and a half. I bet you need some downtime, just like me. And most likely, even though deep down you know exactly what to do, here you are, online, looking for some magic recipe that will bring calmness and cool demeanor to your existence.

Hello, my name is Ieva and my life is chaos. There, I said it out loud and in public. Ever had those days (weeks, months) where whatever you touch you can’t finish because you have to move on to the next thing? Well, that’s me, all the way. Some days I’m with it, and many days I’m just pretending. Like today.

It is a frustrating state of mind to be in. Living a life full of half-finished books, writings, dinners, projects, postponed (or better yet, forgotten) meetings or appointments, you name it. There have been countless tips published about how to find your “ohm” frequency and maintain the sanity in your mind. However, for some reason we are still struggling.

So here I am, about to write a post with yet another list of tips that should keep you balanced. I know, the fact that I’ve just admitted to my life being a chaos may not make me qualified to give you tips on how to organize yours. But, on the other hand, I may just be the person you need because chances are that if you are reading this, you are in the same predicament as me:)

My list is not very long. But every time I try out one of the techniques from it I am amazed at how well it works ( as if it’s some sort of new magic or something)! Most of the following tips are a work in progress, but I suppose acknowledging that this is what we need is the first step to “healing”, right?

Balance your life

Get some sleep

I know, I know, it’s a no brainer. But staying up late has its psychological advantages, especially for women who are busy with work outside of or at home, children and errands all day every day. It allows us to refocus and actually be the adults that we think we are:) On the downside, though, constant lack of sleep impairs your judgement and by the end of the week, even a minute problem can put you over the edge. I’d say having a meltdown at 6 a.m. in the morning, on a Tuesday, is not the state of mind you want to be. So get. some. sleep. It’ll do you good.

Allow yourself to do what energizes you

I know, everybody tells you that. You know you have to. But for some reason you don’t. Maybe you feel guilty, or do not want to give up control of feeding the children or the cat or folding the laundry. For example, yesterday was one of those days when I felt cool, calm and collected. I had tons of ideas AND the inspiration to write. A rare combination, if you ask me. But after putting it off for later due to work, dinner, basketball practices, and just trying to be there for the family… Yep, you guessed it right. My inspiration and composition had fled by that time. I cannot tell you how disappointed and frustrated I was when I finally sat down at the computer and tried to develop the thought I had written down. Nothing was coming to my head. No-thing.

You need to give yourself time to do things that allow you to go back to yourself, to collect your thoughts, do the things that energize you.

You must tell your family you need time. Remember the days when you used to announce to the entire household that you are going to the bathroom? Yeah, just so the responsibility for whatever happens to the toddler who is trying to climb on the kitchen counters does not fall on your shoulders alone (and you actually have a moment to yourself, even if in the most unromantic of places). This is what I need to do. This is what you need to do. Make an announcement: I am going to write (read, watch a movie, do my nails, whatever) for two hours. Close the door. Go into your world. I’m sure things will get accomplished. And you will be a totally different person after you’ve spent some time doing the things that give you energy.

Relax by the lake


Put the damn phone down

This is a big one for me. And I am as guilty as anyone of this. I don’t know when this stupid habit of checking your phone (as if there was something terribly important!) every five seconds crept into our lives. Have a question? Google can answer. Want to know the weather right now? It’s at your fingertips (never mind looking out the window). Don’t know what’s for dinner? Pinterest, here I come. It’s all good until it becomes terrible because while you are looking for an answer to a simple question about, say, panda’s life expectancy you get sidetracked to something else, then remember to check Facebook, or other social media outlet, download some music and before you know it – an hour has passed! In the end you feel contaminated with the information that you do not need and still feel unhappy because in reality your soul has not received any real energy. I’ve also noticed that TV watching has become watching with a phone next to you, so you can watch and play/check email at the same time…

I cannot say I’ve worked this out. I wish I had. But it really bothers me because it’s a habit that needs to be curbed somehow in order for the quality of life to improve and for balance to come in.


I am partial to writing. And this tip may  not be for everyone. But I think everyone should try writing as therapy at least once, and then dismiss it if it doesn’t work. The thoughts that are humming and racing in circles in your mind become words that provide clarity once written down. Nobody has to read your written work if you don’t want that. But it is as if taking your inner self outside of your being and having a conversation. Cheaper than therapy and guaranteed effective. You should try it.

Tips for a balanced life

Over to you:

What things help you keep a balance in your life?

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