Visit New Hampshire: Sculptured Rocks Rock!

Posted October 10, 2016 by simply ieva in Home, Travel / 0 Comments

Long weekend in the fall…The possibilities are endless in terms of where to go and what to do because fall in New Hampshire makes one forget the desire to seek warmer climates that hits you, say, right after New Years (give or take a few weeks or months:)

So today, the boys and I decided to finally visit the Sculptured Rocks in Groton, NH. It was windy and a bit chilly for an early October day, but it was absolutely beautiful!

It is only a couple of hours drive from Boston and less than four hours from Montreal, just to give you an idea.

Plus, there is no admission fee. Just drive, park and enjoy this wonderful mini grand canyon.

Sculptured rocks in New Hampshire


New Hampshire's sculptured rocks

New Hampshire's sculptured rocks

New Hampshire's Sculptured Rocks

Sculptured Rocks in New Hampshire

Sculptured rocks in New Hampshire

Some of the rocks reminded me of animals or faces. Can you see a turtle in the picture below?

Rocks in New Hampshire  New Hampshire's Sculptured Rock area

Sculptured rocks in New Hampshire

And here are a couple of views from our way to the Sculptured Rocks area…

On the way to the sculptured rocks geologic site in New Hampshire Lakes region New Hampshire

Needless to say, we had a wonderful time!

What are some of your favorite places?


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