
Simply Ieva

The Top 5 Questions We Get about Teaching ELs

Episode Summary

I work closely with content area teachers, and I frequently receive questions from them about how they can help English learners in their classroom. The questions about teaching ELs, frankly, are the same every year. How to help a newcomer? How to assess EL students in the classroom? What activities work well with ELs, especially those at lower proficiency levels? How to engage students, and so on. 

It is interesting because I wanted to know if there are any other questions that EL teachers get asked. So I polled my Instagram and Facebook communities, and it appears that the general education teachers ask the same questions across the board. What can we do? They ask. How can we help our lovely EL students? So, today, I am re-airing my answers to a few of the most frequently asked questions. 

While there is no magic bullet to teaching and reaching ELs in a regular education classroom, I hope that you find these answers helpful, especially regarding first language usage in the classroom, translation, and how to help newcomers with reading.

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Related episodes and articles: 

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